
    Things to do around the monument

  • Visits and activities

  • Extérieur Grotte de Pair-non-Pair, entrée principale

    Practical information

    Find here all the practical information to prepare your visit to the cave of Pair-non-Pair.

  • Groupes du champ social

    Découvrez notre offre pour les groupes du champ social.

  • Eating out

    Where to eat when you visit Pair-non-Pair?

  • En groupe

    Découvrez toutes les informations pratiques lors de votre visite en groupe !

  • Vue intérieure de la grotte

    With family

    Would you like to visit the Pair-non-Pair cave with your family? Find out all our visit tips here!

  • Visitors with disabilities

    Discover all the services and offers for visitors with disabilities
