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Pair-non-Pair what a funny name!

Does the name "Pair-non-Pair" ring a bell? Discover what's behind this strange name.

Etymology of the name 'Pair-non-Pair

A very original name!

Local legend has it that, in the Middle Ages, this land belonged to a lord, an inveterate gambler who gambled and lost his property in a game of Pair-Impair (heads or tails) but, once again, this is just a legend!

In fact, the cave is so named because it is located near the hamlet of Pair-non-Pair. It's a very original name, but one that has the merit of intriguing visitors!

The name comes from a former owner, "père Pénot", mentioned in a 17th century notarial deed. An 18th century map confirms the existence of the place known as "Pénot Pair". Old French, patois and the local accent gradually changed the name to Pair-non-Pair. And it is indeed this patronymic that François Daleau uses to name the cave !

Extrait de la carte de Belleyme 1762-1778
Extrait de la carte de Belleyme 1762-1778

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