A must-see

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Engravings in the cave

The Pair-non-Pair cave features an exceptional bestiary, with one of the largest engravings in the world...

Engravings of great rarity

These very deeply engraved figures, bordering on bas-relief, are of the highest quality, perfectly legible and in a remarkable state of preservation! There are still minute traces of red ochre on the walls, not visible to the naked eye, but which attest to the fact that they were originally painted.

Certain elements of the engraved bestiary are exceptional in their rarity. Two horses are depicted with their heads turned back wards, while another is life-size, measuring 2.5 metres in length. It remains one of the largest engravings in the world.

You can admire a megaceros, a gigantic cervid, of which there are few representations in cave art.

Gravure représentant un cheval tête tournée
Gravure représentant un cheval tête tournée

© Philippe Berthé/Centre des monuments nationaux